Saturday, September 5, 2009

5 Educational Google Gadgets

Many of the Google gadgets can be used educationally for teachers and students. One of the Google gadgets called "picture" can be very helpful. The picture gadget can be used for visual learning. If a teacher posts about a specific topic, he/she can put related pictures to that post in order for others to get a better and more clear understanding. Also, students can learn in many different ways. Some students can write better than others while some can produce art better. The picture gadget is a form of art in which a student can substitute writing for posting pictures that tell a story or describe a particular subject. The picture gadget has an unlimited amount of educational use.

Another Google gadget that can be used educationally is the "video bar". The video bar allows teachers/students to upload YouTube videos and Google videos without having to open a new tab or window. YouTube and Google Video provide educational videos, so anything educational on YouTube and Google Video could be uploaded to a video bar. Video bar allows others to view information much easier and faster.

The "link list" is a Google gadget favorite of mine. The link list can be used educationally by teachers/students through the use of sharing educational links with others. If a teacher assigned a project, he/she could post a related link in order to help the students more. Also, if a project was assigned, the students could post the link that helped them create the project. Besides links being helpful with a specific assignment, links can be there just for extra helpful knowledge.

Google's "newsreel" gadget is a great education tool for every subject but especially history or social studies. The newsreel gadget allows someone to post current Google news headlines. If a teacher wants students to pay special attention to particular news articles, then he/she can use this gadget. Also, the newsreel can be used to share different and interesting headlines that relate to a class or class topic.

The "poll" from Google gadgets can be very helpful in education. Teachers can post different types of polls for their students to take. The polls can act as quizzes or homework checks to see if the students are doing the work they need to be doing. The polls can act as a way to get to know the teachers and students as well. Polls can be used in various ways for various purposes.

These are just five of Google's gadgets that I think can contribute to education. Any of the Google gadgets can be used educationally in some way. Our world is becoming a technological world, and Google gadgets provide different, technological ways of learning and teaching.

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